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Tough Meat

David had the promise but also the preparation. He was not only used to killing, but he was also used to tearing apart animals more powerful and dangerous than men. Therefore, he could convince the king to let him go to take care of the national embarrassment.

When he approached Goliath, as Goliath threatened him with incantations to the gods of the Philistines, David knew to counter with him with the promise of the Almighty God for Israel. That preparation cleared the way for Jewish victory (1 Samuel 17:43-47).

Capacity building for Christian leaders is the theme of this column


Get Holy Ghost Power

The Holy Ghost

Evidence of the Supernatural
Documentation of extra-terrestial involvement in human affairs predate the Bilbical records of Moses. Yet, since Moses many strange activities with claims of celestial involvement continues to befuddle mankind. Jesus Christ introduced a bewildering dimension to the mystery which Paul confirms had been planned before creation.

Essentially, the revelation of the Holy Spirit was to confirm the permanent domicile of God in man in the last days. This is the enigma that we continue to contend with and educate ourselves about in this column. Things continue to happen in our world that we cannot explain. The events of the Pentecost confirms the influence of extra-terestial energy that produce physical manisfestations.