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Open Talk Forum

You are welcome The Evangel’s Discussion forum designed to empower ourselves with sound scriptural interpretation in entertainment atmosphere of intellectual debate on salient truths and assumptions about our walk with God.

These discussions are open to everyone worldwide. However, we can only manage submissions in the English language at this time. Join us in praying for resources to expand the scope.

Participation is Free!

The $150 prize announcement is basic. There will be others as more sponsors join us. However, the best response will win at the minimum $150 cash, and we will transfer it to you wherever you may be in the world, so long as there is a legal means to do so. In addition, please familiarize yourself with the Terms of Use Policy and Privacy Policy posted on this website to better understand how we relate to these matters.

Anyone can respond to our question without regard to age, nationality, location, or any other discriminatory idea. We will publish the best three responses in our opinion. You will have the right to decide if you want your names and/or photograph associated with your response. If you do not own a personal bank account, you must name someone trusted to collect your money on your behalf. If we believe that you are a minor by the definition of State of Texas, United States of America, we ay choose not to associate your real names with your response during our announcement unless you can provide express permission from a responsible adult.

monthly quiz competiton

The questions will be posted a few days before the month, and you will usually have the entire month to research your answer. We will spend about 2-3 weeks reviewing the responses and will announce the winner before the new month comes up.

For example, the entry for February will be posted in the final days of January. Polls will close by February 28. We will announce the results for February about March 20th.

To join the discussion, you are encouraged to answer the month’s question in 250 words or less. Any responses longer than 250 words will not be accepted. Opportunities for that month close on the last day of the month. You can only make one final submission. However, if you make multiple submissions, you must indicate the date of your final submission or you lose out of the contest. Please save your work as a draft until you are ready to submit, this is the best way to avoid multiple confusing essays.

It is important to state that we do not think that there are right or wrong answers to these questions, and we have quite a bunch of them going forward. They are not yes or no question-and-answer posts. We have had some debate in our own boardrooms hence, we believe Christianity ill benefit as we adopt the ‘iron sharpens iron’ approach in bringing these issues to our general attention.


We encourage donations to make this process interesting. The primary rule is that sponsors must be willing to deliver donations to our contestants anywhere that they may be located worldwide. Please join us to push the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You are encouraged to visit this page often to catch up on changes.

Thanks and all the best.

God is calling you to a higher service. Consider helping us to introduce God to our communities. Email me to ask how, right away.

September 2023 Discussion

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sept 2023 topic

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August 2023

august 2023 answer

September 2023

sept 2023 topic

Get Holy Ghost Power

The Holy Ghost

Evidence of the Supernatural
Documentation of extra-terrestial involvement in human affairs predate the Bilbical records of Moses. Yet, since Moses many strange activities with claims of celestial involvement continues to befuddle mankind. Jesus Christ introduced a bewildering dimension to the mystery which Paul confirms had been planned before creation.

Essentially, the revelation of the Holy Spirit was to confirm the permanent domicile of God in man in the lasts days. This is the enigma that we continue to contend with and educate ourselves about in this column. Things continue to happen in our world that we cannot explain. The events of the Pentecost confirms the influence of extra-terestial energy that produce physical manisfestations.